A dog is a tick magnet
Hello friends,
Excuse the title of this newsletter, but it’s something that has been occupying me of late! We are fostering a dog while her Ukrainian family settles into Prague and finds a dog-friendly place to live in. It’s a whole new world as we are suddenly overcome by constantly looking for ticks on her fur, making sure she eats properly and no longer having any sleep-ins because she needs to be taken to the park to pee every morning. But she is also adorable and cuddles-addicted and looks like a lion. I have attached a photo below.
In other news, here are a few things I published recently:
Book review of DMZ Colony by Don Mee Choi: Published in the Sydney Review of Books. DMZ Colony is about the Korean war, US occupation, translation and history, and I see a parallel in my own attempts to document my father's version of the Vietnam War:
Interview with Czech-Vietnamese director Diana Cam Van Nguyen: I interviewed Diana Cam Van Nguyen for diaCRITICS about her short film Love, Dad / Milý tati :
Audio drama ‘Lake Lipno’: Wireless Theatre is crowdfunding to produce original audio drama, including for my script, 'Lake Lipno.' A horror audio drama, inspired by my actual trip to Lipno! It explores the Czech-Vietnamese migrant experience as well as the German expulsions, and the marginalised stories that haunt our borders. Check it out here: